Football is the sport that draws the pre-existing community (in this case, Georgia Tech) to come together.

The attendees are part of a community. They will stick together through the harshest circumstances (i.e. downpours and floods).

Their goal is to support the team and watch a good smack-down.

And when someone (i.e. a referee) gets in the way of the community's entertainment, the community will communicate to him by "booing" him or throwing footballs or trash at him. Or, the leader of this community (Coach Paul Johnson) will do so.

All in all, football games strengthen the sense of community--not build it. No matter who the "enemy" is that day, the community will always belt out "TO HELL WITH GEORGIA!" and how we're a "helluva, helluva, helluva engineer." Georgia Tech, no matter what setting, is a community.
Works Cited
Cappy, Craig. 26 Sept 2009. Sportsmagazine.com. 27 Sept 2009.
Weiss, John D. 26 Sept 2009. Josh D. Weiss Photography. 27 Sept 2009. .
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